Embedding into PowerPoint
There are two ways to insert a YouTube video into a PowerPoint presentation.
- Insert it as an online video
- Use an embed code
1. Insert it as online video
Starting from version 2010, PowerPoint includes a built-in tool to insert a YouTube video onto a slide. Here are the steps on how to use it:
- Go to YouTube and find the video that you would like to embed into your presentation.
- Copy the link from the address bar.
- Open your presentation and select the slide where you would like to place the video.
- Go to the Inserttab and choose Video → Online Video.
- Paste the link in the first address bar of the opened window. Using this field, you also can search for a video on YouTube directly. Click on the magnifying glass or press Enter on your keyboard to search.
- Click on the thumbnail of the video and press Insert.
- You can adjust the video size just like any other slide object.
2. Use an embed code
A more advanced way to add a video from YouTube is to use the embed code. This technique allows you to customize video’s attributes by using the YouTube API parameters.
To insert a video using an embed code, follow the steps below:
- Go to YouTube and find the desired video. Click on Share → Embed underneath the video and copy the whole string.
- Open your presentation and select the slide. Go to Insert and click Video → Online Video.
- Insert the code into the From a Video Embed Code field. Then click on Insertor press Enter.
QuickTip: Before you place the video onto the slide, you can add some parameters to the code.
For example, add autoplay=1 to make the video start automatically.
Original code:
<iframe src="" width="300" height="150" frameborder="" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>
Altered code:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/rWmYgqwDyt4?autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This video will be played automatically after opening the slide it’s placed on. The first parameter should be added into the code with “?”. Each following parameter needs to be separated from the previous one with “&”.
The following parameter will make the video start from 1:20 and stop at 1:40. Also, the Related Videos screen will not be shown after the video ends: ?start=80&end=100&rel=0
Original code:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/rWmYgqwDyt4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Altered code:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="[https://www.youtube.com/embed/rWmYgqwDyt4?start=80&end=100&rel=0](https://www.youtube.com/embed/rWmYgqwDyt4?start=80&end=100&rel=0)" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Embedding into Google Slides
- Open your Google Drive. Select the presentation you want to work with. Double-click on the presentation to open it.
- Once your Google Slides presentation is open, go to the slide where you want to add the video. You can open a slide in your presentation by clicking on it in the side panel on the left of your presentation.
- Now that you've selected a slide, you're ready to add a video. Use the Google Slides Insert > Video menu option.
- The Insert Video dialog box displays. Notice that there are three options across the top of the dialog box:
- Search. Use this option to search YouTube for a video to insert.
- By URL. Use this option to type in the URL of a YouTube video.
- Google Drive. Use this option to insert a non-YouTube video from your Google Drive. We'll talk about this option more in the next section.
- Copy the YouTube URL of the video into the dialog box and click the Select button in the lower-left corner. The video is now inserted into the slide.
Move and Resize the Video
Once the YouTube video is added to your Google Slides presentation, it's not difficult to move it or resize it. Here's what to do:
- Click on the video to select it. You'll see blue handles around the edges of the YouTube video. Without clicking on one of the handles, move your cursor over the video. Your cursor should look like a crosshair.
- Use the crosshair cursor to drag the video to the spot on the slide where you would like it to appear.
- To resize the video, click on one of the handles and drag it. Dragging a corner handle diagonally keeps the shape of the video the same. Dragging a handle on the sides of the box could distort the shape.
Set Video Options
Use the Google Slides Video Options panel so that the video automatically plays when the slide starts. To access the Video Options panel, first make sure the video is selected. Next click on Video options next to the toolbar. The Video Options panel appears on the right of the screen.
To set the video to play automatically when this slide comes up during your presentation, click the checkbox the left of the Autoplay when presenting option. (It's nearly clear, so you may not see it until it is selected.)
You can also use the panel to define how much of the video plays. For example, if I just want to play the first 30 seconds of the video, I would leave the value in the Start at field at 00:00. In the End at field, I would enter 00:30. The video would stop playing after 30 seconds.
You can also select the check box to the left of the Mute audio option to turn the sound off on your video. This is helpful if you want to show the images of the video playing, but add your own commentary.